
Friday, October 24, 2014

The Cytoms had infected...

The Cytoms had infected everyone. When the infection rose in someone they became interested in warfare, or hand to hand combat, or a general conversational conflict that would lead to two people fighting in some fashion.

It was the thought process that was affected. People lost control of their common decent senses and would turn to quick and easy methods to defeat the other in the conflict.

The Israelis decided it was time to attack the US, and South America. The Prime Minister was in agreement that they couldn't merely stop at a religious land war, they had it in them to be genocidal. "It wasn't going to be enough," they kept repeating to themselves; these words in place of telling themselves of the true hate they harbor. The hate the Cytoms were festering in everyone. By the mere presence of the Cytoms the hate found ways to spread.

Talks of the cobalt bomb arose.

They all loved the ebola outbreak in Africa and how it was coming to the US, and Americans were freaking out over it.

The Cytoms infected everyone with this unknown element of unbridled hate.

Hate was the cure, hate was the anarchy, hate was the love, hate was the chaos. Pour it on thick like a chocolate sundae so it tastes good they thought.

It was getting it to trigger that was the trick.

They had ways to do this, social engineering, mental telepathy, books, media, music.

They sat and watched as chaos broke out everywhere.

The Cytoms love it. They love to hate. They had destroyed world after world, beings in numerous solar systems.

The Cytoms have ways to direct their hate.

Human beings were their twin partners in loving to hate. And humans love it, they love to hate.

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