
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Larry had also worked...

Larry had also worked for a small arms and munitions company that developed water bullets. They had taken a mold for a typical hollow point, filled it with water and dropped it into liquid nitrogen. Then they dipped it into liquid hydrogen. This put a super hard coating on the encased shape.

Wearing latex gloves and extracting the bullets inside they then fired these on a test range with interesting results. Over time the bullets melted of course. They also melted while en route to their target. But for the first 700 feet they maintained their hardness and piercing capability. What they ended up with was a bullet with all the piercing and striking power, that created minimal damage, still had effective killing ability, and left no trace of itself, other than water.

Various solutions were used. Water with nano particles of iron, phosphorous, which had the effect of incinerating tissues once inside the body, as did potassium permanganate, and when combined with magnesium and titanium nano particles created a thermite bullet. When one of these hit someone it might appear as if the person spontaneously combusted with no telltale forensic indications that a bullet had been fired.

And along with nano solutions a type of metal shaft, like a needle, was also encased inside the water bullets. In some cases these needles were also bored out the length of the needle. When laid inside a water bullet, accuracy of travel went up 65 % as the small capillary-like tube inside the center of the waterbullet acted like a shaft, guiding the bullet along a very true path.

These needles were also capable of being enhanced. Don't ever let anyone tell you there is such a thing as depleted uranium. Figure it out. Uranium has a half life of about 4.5 billion years, even U235 sticks around for 700 million years. DU used in US munitions has 60% of the radioactivity of natural uranium.

And these bullets can also go the other way. It was discovered someone could be shot from a mile away and become vaccinated with whatever medicine or bacterium or other material you wanted inside of that person, and all the recipient would think was that they had been bit by a mosquito or horsefly.

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