
Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Subaru WRX wasn't up to speed yet....

The Subaru WRX wasn't up to speed yet... Larry had been putting bolt-on parts onto it. He remembered his friend Fred telling him the difference between the grease monkeys that put bolt-on gear on their cars, and the guys that beat those croutons was the fine tuning. Fred had showed Larry how, when using a timing light to set the spark plug firing pattern, the pros didn't stick with what the manuals determined, the hot dogs could hear the harmonic of the engine when it was firing at top performance. A few thousandth of an inch difference on the timing and where the distributor was set, a few thousandth of an inch between being just a wannabe spark plug mechanic and the mouse that roared and came across the finish line first.

Fred had a line of Championship cups to prove his point. It wasn't lost on Larry that to be ready for the battle coming out of the sky, he was going to have to have cars tuned to perfection, unconventional weaponry, and a calm, cool collected attitude. Larry was a pinball wizard. Taking your fingers off the flipper buttons was a mistake, that extra distance between your finger and the button made all the difference for flip happy pinball.

He spent time studying air pressure for tires, buying p-type rubber tires for best traction, and coming up with places to put cars so when when was taken out, he'd have another to ride, or had a way to steal a convenient vehicle so he could stay on the move.

He took into account what he was going to wear. Most everything had to breathe and also be flame proof.

He thought about carrying oxygen in some form.

He thought about putting nitrous on the WRX.

He thought about the BEDE 5 microjet. He had not only seen one fly in person, he knew where one that still flew was. "The most sensitive jet ever made". It had been designed with two different sets of wings. A long set, for lower speed flight and efficiency, and a short set of v-wings for high perf and wild aerobatics.

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