
Friday, September 19, 2014

Larry's dream started to unfold.

Larry's dream began to unfold. The ships arriving in the sky, the massive shadows blotting out the sun. Alien soldiers marching across the countryside. He was freaking out a little as he continued work on his next project.

Larry had been working on a car that would allow him to go cross country if he needed. At the same time countries around the world were preparing to repel the invasion by inviting it in. Huge electromagnet installations were being built. Modular but enormous they started to speckle the countryside, city buildings vacant parking lots.

These electromagnetic units, when turned on, pull the alien ships and travel craft out of the sky and lock them against the unit itself, locking all on the ground. Peripheries of weapons were set up around these installations. Once a ship or craft was held tight, the encircling weapons turn on them and fire, destroying what once flew.

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